After 9 months of pregnancy I've found myself a completely different person, with entirely different priorities. This blog is dedicated to that experience of being a new mom and exposing the down and dirty truth of it all.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sleep log: day 78

I can't believe I'm going to say this - but Henry had a good night. Now, before you get all excited, when I say "good" I simply say it because he wasn't up every 2 hours. He went down fairly quickly a bit before 7pm in a blaze of fuss - he was exhausted and crying bloody murder. Fortunately he succumbed and stayed asleep until midnight. This is fairly typical for him and quite honestly I love him for it. Those hours from 7pm until midnight are like sweet payment for a hard day's work. My couches suck me in and I am one content mumma.

But its after midnight that anything can happen. The sleep spell wears off and I'm at his mercy. However, last night he got up at 3:30am and 5:45. Not bad, not bad. I'll take it.

Due to the fact Henry went to bed before 7pm my husband hardly got to see him and I think was pretty bummed about it. I got to thinking, thinking led to a strategy and now I'm rubbing my hands together in delight. You want to see more of your son? How about taking over the midnight feed so this ragged, dark circled mommy can sleep? The idea of sleeping from 10pm to 2am or 3am makes me squirm in my seat. Four hours CONSECUTIVELY? For real?

I've been pumping one bottle's worth a day and since I try to encourage him to cluster feed in the afternoons (to get him to sleep longer in the night) he hardly touches the bottle when he goes down at 7pm. There is always nearly a full bottle waiting for the midnight feed - the perfect late night bonding tool for a father and son. And while this sweet moment is occurring - don't mind me I'll be passed out and drooling all over my pillow.

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