After 9 months of pregnancy I've found myself a completely different person, with entirely different priorities. This blog is dedicated to that experience of being a new mom and exposing the down and dirty truth of it all.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Sleep log: day 73

Woot! Woot! Woot! Attention! Attention! We have had an advancement in the sleep department!

Henry slept last night from 7pm to midnight, from midnight until 4am, and then from 4am until 8am! He dropped his 2 am and 6am feedings and his mother is elated. All week through this nocturnal rough patch all I've been praying for is that he would give me 4 straight hours after midnight. Apparently Henry heard me and answered my prayers and gave me two four hour stretches. Perhaps I'll pay for this obedience later, but for right now I'll take whatever I can get. I woke up this morning feeling like a real person, opposed to the walking dead.

Now, I'm no fool in thinking we've turned the corner - anything can happen tonight. However, just the thought, the idea, that he was able to sleep like that will allow me to hold it together for at least a few weeks to come.

As you can see my needs are little - as long as I get a four hour stretch of sleep every few weeks and I can keep this routine up for the indefinite future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY YAY YAY!!! We were saying our prayers for you last night and I'm so glad they've been answered! We'll keep all fingers and toes crossed that this will keep up. Go Henry!