After 9 months of pregnancy I've found myself a completely different person, with entirely different priorities. This blog is dedicated to that experience of being a new mom and exposing the down and dirty truth of it all.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

My love is like a tight swaddle

Last night as I was nursing Henry I was thinking about the things we use every day, without fail. The SwaddleMe® is so much a part of our day-to-day living I equate them with diapers, you just need them on hand.

Often I'll hear of moms who say their child just didn't like to be swaddled. I'm willing to bet if I had my hands on that child I could get him/her to love it. After watching Dr. Karp's The Happiest Baby on the Block (DVD) (Another product recommendation, especially for those very first few weeks) I came to understand swaddles are supposed to be TIGHT. Tighter than you, as a new parent might feel comfortable with, but believe me it was tight in that old uterus of yours and the swaddle is like a return to the familiar for your babe.

So wrap him or her up like an overstuffed bean burrito and know it does a baby good.

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