After 9 months of pregnancy I've found myself a completely different person, with entirely different priorities. This blog is dedicated to that experience of being a new mom and exposing the down and dirty truth of it all.

Friday, December 14, 2007

A relatively unhurried shower

Everyday somewhere around mid-morning I decide its REALLY time that I shower. Not only do I have that yucky, unshowered feeling but the simple act of bathing prevents me from feeling like a total shut-in especially now as the winter months descend upon our little homestead.

Its funny how something that I once took so for granted is now something I actively prioritize and feel is important to be done daily for me to stay a sane mommy.

Anyways, typically what I'll do is change Henry, feed him and put him the safest place I can think of: his crib. Sometimes I'll take his monitor with me into the bathroom, but I find this to only cause more anxiety for me as I'm already showering at the speed of light. Its not like I can dart out of the stream of water, head full of shampoo when Henry starts to cry so in some ways ignorance is bliss. I get the deed done as quickly as possible so that I can reunite with my little man.

As a result of the lack of monitor, typically I'll turn off the water only to hear him wailing for me. I swear I must scare the crap out of him when I race into his room with a towel piled high on my head because he gives me this wide eyed, terrified look like, "What is that on your head?!"

Anyways, while it might not be as significant as walking or sitting up we did hit a milestone today - Henry entertained himself in his crib while I showered. Its a big deal people. Seriously. When I turned off the water, I near had a heart attack because I didn't hear him. I raced into his room only to find him happily staring at the walls of his crib, hardly a care for me. I was elated and devastated at the same time - my little boy suddenly doesn't rely on me for all of his amusement. Somehow the walls have replaced me.

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