After 9 months of pregnancy I've found myself a completely different person, with entirely different priorities. This blog is dedicated to that experience of being a new mom and exposing the down and dirty truth of it all.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

No more ring around the collar

Another shout out to my main mom Lindsay.... Aquaphor is the bomb. My lovely friend Lindsay came to visit last week and noticed my poor son's "neck chap." She saw it and I cringed. I had been trying everything to keep it under control, but it was breaking my heart that it wasn't getting better. She looked at it and said one word: Aquaphor. You buy it in your local drug store, in the baby aisle (near the petroleum) and I swear within hours it was better. I imagine this stuff would be great for any chapped, dry skin this time of year.

I don't know how I lived without it. Thanks love.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad it worked! xxoo

Anonymous said...

oh....My youngest gets the chapped neck and cheeks ...courtesy of teething. If you find aquaphor works but isn't quit taking it away....try something like Cortaid. works ike a charm on my little guys chapped skin!

Good luck! ;-)

Unknown said...

oops..that last comment was me. I clicked the wrong tabby to show who I was posting as!
Anyhow...hope the chapped skin is better!

Anonymous said...

I swear by Vitamin A & E ointment. also purchased in the baby section, actually the diaper rash section. I apply to Charlie's face once in the morning and before bed and his skin is so very smooth and soft. a pediatrician gave me this trick to help with the dry skin on his face last winter.

mccashew said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Aquafor! I used it on a burn on my chin 4 days before my wedding and it was GONE on the day of. This stuff is a miracle and I keep it with me at all times. Glad your friend gave you the proper introduction you needed!!!