After 9 months of pregnancy I've found myself a completely different person, with entirely different priorities. This blog is dedicated to that experience of being a new mom and exposing the down and dirty truth of it all.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

night-night nursing no more

Somehow we have regressed. I'm fully aware that I've played a big part in this. I've been a big softy and night-nursed him with much frequency. I've given my little man every excuse in the book, (Maybe its that he's is at the height of separation anxiety. Maybe its a "wonder week." Maybe its that he's teething. Maybe he's not getting enough calories during the day. Maybe he's cold. Maybe he's wet.) Well all of that - no more! I think the moment of clarity came when a friend reminded me that I really need to get a handle on this before he starts standing in his crib. I paused and whispered, "sweet baby Jesus, you are so right."

Friday night came and I was full of new resolve. I decided that a near 8 month old need NOT eat at night. We had a rough hour from 1am -2am, but I decided my will was stronger and he was not getting any boob juice. By the grace of some higher power, he did finally succumb and slept until 6:45am. Ummm people, that's 12 hours (not uninterrupted, of course, but still.)

Last night we had a similar performance, not quite as strong as night one but my optimism is not wavering. I have convinced myself that he can go the night without eating and that's where we are going to stay.

So it is on bended knee, with a weary head that I beg....Dr. Ferber please don't fail me now. I need you more than ever.

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