After 9 months of pregnancy I've found myself a completely different person, with entirely different priorities. This blog is dedicated to that experience of being a new mom and exposing the down and dirty truth of it all.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just one day

Don't even get me started on what was required when Henry and I went to Florida for five days, but this past weekend I was marveling at the sheer volume of stuff that is required for a simple day trip, no overnight.

The crappage includes:
  • Many spare diapers
  • Wipes
  • More than one receiving blanket
  • Henry's top three toys
  • Spare outfit (in case of blow out)
  • Sleeping outfit (for the ride home, in the futile hope that he'll just stay asleep when we get home)
  • Bottle
  • Cereal
  • Baby spoon
  • Activity Mat (?!!! - in order to put him down somewhere when we eat dinner at my in-laws.)
  • Car seat
  • Blanket for the car
  • Camera to photograph baby with all above crappage.

I laugh remembering the days when all I needed to get out the door was my purse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the good old days. We pretty much pack a suitcase and try to wedge it in the trunk along with the broken down exersaucer and stroller every weekend we go to my parents. And don't you know, not one spare article of clothing for me who will have squash flung at her at least four times in the first 3 minutes we're there. I swear, in high school you and I didn't even carry purses! Ha!